Friday, August 1, 2008

A Praise Report

Just returned from my physiotherapist appointment.  One of the first questions she asked was if I was able to do my exercises while I was in Mexico City.  Well, I was honest and said - nope.  While in Mexico City I had joked with one of the leaders that we should have a physiotherapy session and have the whole team do my exercises with me... but we didn't.

So going today was a bit of an unknown and full of questions for me.  I really did try to take care of my knee in Mexico City and the team was great in making sure I never over did anything.  Thanks Team.

Well, I jogged for 5 minutes today on the treadmill!  Yep, I said I jogged for 5 minutes!  Praise the Lord!  My therapist said I am doing well and that the trip did not hurt me in any way.  BUT... she said I needed to do my exercises while we are on vacation... and she would see me again when we get back.  Oh well

Thank you all for your prayers concerning my knee and my health.  They have meant more than words can express.

I hope you are having a great day wherever you are at.


Pastor Terry

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Home and Away

Our MOBY team is home. It was a very joyful reunion at the airport, full of cheers and laughter, hugs and tears. It was beautiful and powerful to see everyone together again!

And today they have entered their *old* world but as new people, with new experiences, new pictures of their walk of faith. And as we've heard from a number of the team today....they're all feeling a little bit lost.

I wanted to leave you with one last song from Matthew West's is a powerful declaration of his surrender to God. A God who takes him when he is at his most lost, fumbling around the most....and embraces him. This beautiful song sings of a complete abandonment to our Saviour Jesus. I write it praying that it will be an anthem for our team and they walk these new steps of uncertainty and faith...and for you as well.

Please pray for the team in these next weeks that they would have patience and persistence to allow God to shape them because of this missions trip - even now as they are back home. They are never lost to Him, even when they feel uncertain or unsure of what He is calling them to next....they can jump into His arms with hope and expectation....He has deep purpose and calling in their lives! Pray that they can respond to Him - calling Him their EVERYTHING!


I’m the one with two left feet
Standing on a lonely street
I can’t even walk a straight line
And every time you look at me I’m spinning like an autumn leaf
Bound to hit bottom sometime
Where would I be without someone to save me
Someone who won’t let me fall

You are everything that I live for
Everything that I can’t believe is happening
You’re standing right in front of me
With arms wide open
All I know is Every day is filled with hope
'Cause You are everything that I believe for
And I can’t help but breathe you in and
Breathe again
Feeling all this life within
Every single beat of my heart

I’m the one with big mistakes
Big regrets and bigger breaks
Than I'd ever care to confess
Oh but, You’re the one who looks at me
And sees what I was meant to be
More than just a beautiful mess
Where would I be without someone to save me
Someone who won’t let me fall

You are everything that I live for
Everything that I can’t believe is happening
You’re standing right in front of me
With arms wide open
All I know is Every day is filled with hope

'Cause You are everything that I believe for
And I can’t help but breathe you in Breathe again
Feeling all this life within
Every single beat of my heart

You’re everything good in my life
Everything honest and true
And all of those stars hanging up in the sky
Could never shine brighter than You

You are everything that I live for
Everything that I can’t believe is happening
You’re standing right in front of me
With arms wide open
All I know is Every day is filled with hope
'Cause You are everything that I believe for
And I can’t help but breathe you in Breathe again
Feeling all this life within
Every single beat of my heart

You are Oh You are Jesus, You are You are everything

A Small Taste Continued...

A few days ago I uploaded some of the insights learned by team members and I now want to add what the other team members had to say.


When I first arrived in Mexico City, I thought: "how much can 6 days running a VBS really impact people here?" Now that I've experienced it on this trip, I'm completely blown away. The few people we've touched here will continue to spread God's love in their communities well after we leave. It doesn't stop with just those 70-80 kids when we leave. The impact that God has made through us keeps on growing and growing.

We've been shown so much love by the Becerra's and the kids at VBS, even as total strangers. Through this God has taught me that being strangers doesn't matter; we are all His children. If they can show so much love to us as foreign strangers, I should be able to show just as much or more of God's love to those I know back at home.

This trip has also shown me what it means to be a servant and in doing so, growing closer to God. Being a servant to me means showing God's love to others in whatever way I can with humility.

The most amazing thing that I've realized on this trip is that God is not a Canadian God. He makes an impact and shows His love worldwide. We weren't here on this trip as Canadians and Mexicans, but together as Christians, serving and worshiping God as one in the body of Christ.

Going to Mexico City on this mission trip was beyond incredible. It was just indescribable. All the wonderful, loving people that I met here were so much fun to hang out with: Luis, Oscar, Pastor Jaime, Sara, Isaac, Amanda, Obed and so many more. It was awesome to meet them all, and I'm glad I'll be abel to take home a piece of their culture and their love to share in Canada. -- Alex Choy


This has been an amazing trip so far and even more than I expected. This is my second time here in Mexico City and I am continually blown away by it. Just before we left for Mexico I was having lots of doubts and fears. I was questioning why I was coming and if I was doing the right thing. However, over the past few days God has reminded me that He is in control and that He has a purpose for me being here. I think that it is largely to prepare me for Capenwray in Costa Rica (which I am leaving for right after we get back from Mexico) in terms of relating to people and the culture. It has also been great to be surrounded by such strong Christians, both on our team and in Mexico, who encourage and challenge me in my faith. Being here with very few distractions has also helped me focus on God again.

I absolutely LOVE the culture here in Mexico. I am very comfortable with it and it is great to soak in their love which they always pour out, even to us "strangers." They are so hospitable and it touches my heart how we can love without words and despite the language barrier. it is a great image of the body of Christ and the vastness of God. It is such a blessing to be back here in Mexico with family. God has done such miracles in a very short time. I am learning a lot and I pray that I can bring it back to Canada and share it with everyone. -- Lauren Schneider


If you've never been on a missions trip to Mexico before, I recommend you bring three things:
1. Sunscreen
2. Hand Sanitizer
3. A wide open mind.

This is my first missions trip ever. Here's what I learned about Missions to Mexico.

Go to serve, but be willing to receive the service of others. Love is beautiful in this sort of two-way relationship. Be willing for people (to whom you came to minister) to amaze you by their hospitality and generosity.

Plan for flexibility. God is likely to use you in way different ways than you planned, whether this be late night talks, cleaning dishes, or horsing around with a new-found friend.

Plan to bond with unexpected people and also to have to say "good bye" or at least "so long."

Plan to see beauty to an extent that you never imagined possible - for example in the humble spirit and contrite heart of a mother.

Plan to re-define love.

Plan to discover mentors, including yourself.

Plan to laugh yourself silly and to cry to the same extent basically subsequently, and sometimes at the same time.

Expect to see a new side of people... especially an unexpected side: The person you thought was shy, the other one you thought to be strong and impenetrable.


- Drink Water
- Not from the tap

But most of all, don't expect anything except what God will bring, because that will be good, and in Mexico they take it as it comes. -- Hayley León

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Phoenix Airport

We are just waiting to get on our plane and I think the people in this general area are hoping they aren't our plane.  We have been playing the game "psychiatrist" and having a hoot - but... maybe others haven't been together for 12 days in Mexico City.

Looking forward to seeing you soon in Edmonton.


One the Way Home

Very quick post as I am out the door in a few minutes...

Talked to Terry really briefly this morning...they team is packing up, getting ready to go to the airport.

They are saying their goodbyes, people from the community are stopping over to say goodbye.

They had a very great day yesterday at the pyramids and then a special communion service last night. Pastor Jaime said some very special words to the team and thanked them again for coming, for being an encouragement and for loving the people they love in their community. Again his words to the team were - when are you coming back?

I will write more later...but just wanted to ask for your prayers as the team travels today.

Schedule is 4 pm flight out of Mexico to Phoenix
8:15 departure from Phoenix,

Arrive in Edmonton approximately 12:45 am.

For those coming to the airport remember they have to clear customs as well after they arrive!

See you at the airport tonight! It will be a wonderful reunion!

Edited to Add (again): The flight has landed in Phoenix and all the bags arrived for the team and now are rechecked for the next leg. The whole team passed through US customs without any issue and were going to have some supper before getting on the plane departing at 8:28pm I believe. This flight is #2811, scheduled to arrive at 12:45 am.

Flight has left Mexico City on schedule! It is flight #34 on US Air into Phoenix estimated to arrive into Phoenix about 10 minutes early.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Short Update

Hi All, I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and stories Terry posted yesterday!

I had a quick conversation with Terry last night. The team had a great day yesterday taking the bus and metro into the downtown or center of Mexico City yesterday. They were able to see a beautiful cathedral where they were holding mass, the City Square which was the site two years ago of some heated political demonstrations that made international news while the team was there, and they were able to see some amazing architecture. Many members of the team who have been to Europe said that the architecture reminded them of European style. I believe I read somewhere the Mexico City was rebuilt in the 1500's after a seige but the Aztecs settled it in the 1300's. It is a city that has much history.

Today they will head to the famous Mexican Pyramids, I have seen some pictures but it is supposed to be amazing, and I'm glad they have a chance to see it. Today is their last full day in Mexico as a team.

Terry also told me a little bit about the Sunday service. The team lead the 2 1/2 hour service (a very typical Mexican church service is about 3 hours! ) Terry said he was up till 3:30 am preparing the sermon, and the powerpoint of pictures from the team's trip to show the people of Monte Sion. Then he was up at 6 am to practise again. He spoke on the parable of the sower and the seeds and the soils from Matthew 13. He talked about how each of us are living out a type of soil right now, there might be weeds, hard packed ground, rocky places in our life, and it is difficult for God's word to take root in us. But that God can change those rocky, weedy hard packed places in our life into good soil if we will surrender ourselves to Him. He led a challenge to the people and Amanda Luna spoke it again in Spanish and many people responded and came to the front.

Christie shared her experience of what God has taught her in Mexico entirely in Spanish without an interpreter. She and Hayley worked on what she wanted to say the day before and she shared from her heart in Spanish for the people. I was so proud of her to hear that...and I know that meant so much to the Mexican people.

Matthew also shared in the service and Terry said he did such a wonderful job. He is such a well intentioned and deeply kind hearted young man. I know that this experience has shaped him in powerful ways.

Today is a significant day for the team. Because in their hearts they are beginning the process of saying goodbye to Mexico City and the people that have impacted them so much. It will not be easy for them. Please hold them up in prayer as they say goodbye.

But they also begin the process of re-entry into their life back here. I think of all the preparation for a missions trip, this is the process that is the most important - and the one most people are least prepared for.

The process of Re-Entry is often more difficult and dramatic than is the initial culture shock someone might experience going into a country. Being immersed in a different culture and having a very significant spiritual and relational experience together has changed this team in powerful ways. But often-times they don't even realize how much impact it has had yet. It takes some time and effort to synthesize their experiences into their life so those experiences won't be wasted.

Coming back into a very affluent and hectic North American culture after being in a very humble, resource poor, yet relationship rich culture can be very difficult adjustment sometimes. You might see your loved one dissatisfied with what they see around them, disappointed with our North American excess yet lack of joy, and our more *cold* culture compared to a very relational warm Mexican culture. Don't be surprised by this. And we in North America could learn SO much from them. And I think that is the power of a mission trip, it opens up the world, and WHO the church is globally to our team members. And it challenges us too!

Over the next weeks be sure to ask the detail questions of who ,what, how...but also the why questions, and the "how is this impacting you", "what is God teaching you", "what does it mean for your life?" They will need to process all of what God has showed them for their experience to continue to take root in their lives - and find good soil! They will need people to ask them good questions to help them process what God is teaching them. Please be praying for the team about their re-entry process.

One thing Terry also tells the team when they return...that when someone asks "How was your trip", they are never allowed to just respond with "good". They might have a hard time articulating what the trip meant to them (because it's so big!) ...but Terry always wants them to be ready with a 1 minute report...and a 5 minute you something of substance about their experience.

Ok...what started short...ended up longer...but the re-entry aspects have been on my heart for a couple of days! I pray that today you allow yourself to be rich deep soil for the Word to be planted deeply in you.

Each day our youngest son wakes up and tells everyone how many days till Daddy comes home. Today he was so excited to say, "ONE!"

Hope to see many of you tomorrow night at midnight at the airport to greet the team and welcome them home!

Monday, July 28, 2008

More Pictures

I hope you enjoy a few photos from our time here in Mexico City. Some of these photos will make more sense if you read the previous post that was made today.
