Wednesday, July 30, 2008

One the Way Home

Very quick post as I am out the door in a few minutes...

Talked to Terry really briefly this morning...they team is packing up, getting ready to go to the airport.

They are saying their goodbyes, people from the community are stopping over to say goodbye.

They had a very great day yesterday at the pyramids and then a special communion service last night. Pastor Jaime said some very special words to the team and thanked them again for coming, for being an encouragement and for loving the people they love in their community. Again his words to the team were - when are you coming back?

I will write more later...but just wanted to ask for your prayers as the team travels today.

Schedule is 4 pm flight out of Mexico to Phoenix
8:15 departure from Phoenix,

Arrive in Edmonton approximately 12:45 am.

For those coming to the airport remember they have to clear customs as well after they arrive!

See you at the airport tonight! It will be a wonderful reunion!

Edited to Add (again): The flight has landed in Phoenix and all the bags arrived for the team and now are rechecked for the next leg. The whole team passed through US customs without any issue and were going to have some supper before getting on the plane departing at 8:28pm I believe. This flight is #2811, scheduled to arrive at 12:45 am.

Flight has left Mexico City on schedule! It is flight #34 on US Air into Phoenix estimated to arrive into Phoenix about 10 minutes early.


Twobearz said...

Hola Everyone...
You might not be able to read this until you get home, but...! We can't believe you have been away 12days already and are now packing to come home. I can't either! We will be thinking about you today and praying for a safe and smooth journey. I have a feeling you will have many mixed emotions today! They are all very normal and necessary as you process this powerful experience you have just had. God has richly blessed you! David and Evelyn

Anonymous said...

Hi Christen

This is monica I wron't be able to be their to see them get off the plane because I just got back from a trip my self from the airport this morning. But I will for sure pray for their arriveal back home even through I have been praying and thinking about them when I was on holidays in ontario. I will be going on another holiday this week so I will see you next sunday or sunday after let haley know that I have been praying for her and the group.
