Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Short Update

Hi All, I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and stories Terry posted yesterday!

I had a quick conversation with Terry last night. The team had a great day yesterday taking the bus and metro into the downtown or center of Mexico City yesterday. They were able to see a beautiful cathedral where they were holding mass, the City Square which was the site two years ago of some heated political demonstrations that made international news while the team was there, and they were able to see some amazing architecture. Many members of the team who have been to Europe said that the architecture reminded them of European style. I believe I read somewhere the Mexico City was rebuilt in the 1500's after a seige but the Aztecs settled it in the 1300's. It is a city that has much history.

Today they will head to the famous Mexican Pyramids, I have seen some pictures but it is supposed to be amazing, and I'm glad they have a chance to see it. Today is their last full day in Mexico as a team.

Terry also told me a little bit about the Sunday service. The team lead the 2 1/2 hour service (a very typical Mexican church service is about 3 hours! ) Terry said he was up till 3:30 am preparing the sermon, and the powerpoint of pictures from the team's trip to show the people of Monte Sion. Then he was up at 6 am to practise again. He spoke on the parable of the sower and the seeds and the soils from Matthew 13. He talked about how each of us are living out a type of soil right now, there might be weeds, hard packed ground, rocky places in our life, and it is difficult for God's word to take root in us. But that God can change those rocky, weedy hard packed places in our life into good soil if we will surrender ourselves to Him. He led a challenge to the people and Amanda Luna spoke it again in Spanish and many people responded and came to the front.

Christie shared her experience of what God has taught her in Mexico entirely in Spanish without an interpreter. She and Hayley worked on what she wanted to say the day before and she shared from her heart in Spanish for the people. I was so proud of her to hear that...and I know that meant so much to the Mexican people.

Matthew also shared in the service and Terry said he did such a wonderful job. He is such a well intentioned and deeply kind hearted young man. I know that this experience has shaped him in powerful ways.

Today is a significant day for the team. Because in their hearts they are beginning the process of saying goodbye to Mexico City and the people that have impacted them so much. It will not be easy for them. Please hold them up in prayer as they say goodbye.

But they also begin the process of re-entry into their life back here. I think of all the preparation for a missions trip, this is the process that is the most important - and the one most people are least prepared for.

The process of Re-Entry is often more difficult and dramatic than is the initial culture shock someone might experience going into a country. Being immersed in a different culture and having a very significant spiritual and relational experience together has changed this team in powerful ways. But often-times they don't even realize how much impact it has had yet. It takes some time and effort to synthesize their experiences into their life so those experiences won't be wasted.

Coming back into a very affluent and hectic North American culture after being in a very humble, resource poor, yet relationship rich culture can be very difficult adjustment sometimes. You might see your loved one dissatisfied with what they see around them, disappointed with our North American excess yet lack of joy, and our more *cold* culture compared to a very relational warm Mexican culture. Don't be surprised by this. And we in North America could learn SO much from them. And I think that is the power of a mission trip, it opens up the world, and WHO the church is globally to our team members. And it challenges us too!

Over the next weeks be sure to ask the detail questions of who ,what, how...but also the why questions, and the "how is this impacting you", "what is God teaching you", "what does it mean for your life?" They will need to process all of what God has showed them for their experience to continue to take root in their lives - and find good soil! They will need people to ask them good questions to help them process what God is teaching them. Please be praying for the team about their re-entry process.

One thing Terry also tells the team when they return...that when someone asks "How was your trip", they are never allowed to just respond with "good". They might have a hard time articulating what the trip meant to them (because it's so big!) ...but Terry always wants them to be ready with a 1 minute report...and a 5 minute report....giving you something of substance about their experience.

Ok...what started short...ended up longer...but the re-entry aspects have been on my heart for a couple of days! I pray that today you allow yourself to be rich deep soil for the Word to be planted deeply in you.

Each day our youngest son wakes up and tells everyone how many days till Daddy comes home. Today he was so excited to say, "ONE!"

Hope to see many of you tomorrow night at midnight at the airport to greet the team and welcome them home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just answered the question of "how is your re-entry going" on the facebook group, but for those who watch the blog, I wanted to share this with you as well. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support.


Well, I just got back from work, and I will be honest...it was REALLY hard. I feel really lost right now and unsure of the next steps. I KNOW that I need to be patient and I know that the reality of the matter is that God has put me in this job and financially, it is the wisest thing for me to be working. I don't want to spend my days being bitter. My constant prayer as I sat in my chair at my computer today was "Lord give me patience, Lord give me purpose here, and Lord grant me relationships." PLEASE pray for me as I am really struggling with this. I want so badly to be free, but right now I am feeling so bound by this culture. I need a new perspective on my life here.
