Saturday, July 19, 2008


Sorry Families - no word personally yet from the team.

I do know that the plane landed safely in Mexico City. The team has to pass through Mexican customs at the airport. You've probably heard of the infamous *red light* and *green light* Mexican immigration searches. It's true you do have to pass through with your bags and if you're faced with a red light they search your bags. If any bags were missing they also have to fill out forms etc. (last trip 2 bags didn't come for 2 days).

The Beccera's (the Pastor's Family) was meeting them at the airport and then the team has to travel about 2 hours across the city to the Coyoyacan district of Mexico City (boy I hope I spelled that right).

You can do something really cool if you like, you can download from the internet Google Earth (it's free), and then fill in the destination to look up Mexico can also ask it to look up Azteca Stadium in Mexico City (it's in the South section of this massive city)...the church Monte Sion in Santa Ursula is a few blocks north of the stadium. When the kids go up on the roof of the church to do their devotions they can see Azteca stadium from the roof. If you use google earth you'll get a sense of where they are. The other church they are serving is called Xucalucan and I believe its in the north part of the city. (pronounced something like whicks ca lu can). I haven't found it yet on google earth.

The kids are staying in homes this trip rather than the church. And it's my understanding that they are staying at the Pastor's Families home near the church tonight. My guess is that they've prepared a special meal for the team.

Terry can't call me without an international phone card, or without an internet card, and I don't know if he's had a chance to do that yet since arriving.

The verse that came to mind today was "pray without ceasing"(1 Thessalonians 5:17). I know that many of you families can relate to that. Each time I woke up in the night (and thoughout the day) and thought about where they were in the journey I am lifting them up in prayer. I know that they are in God's very capable hands in the center of where they are supposed to be....but as soon as I hear from them - and that may be tomorrow....I'll let you know!

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