Saturday, July 26, 2008

Last Day of VBS at Monte Sion

I received an email last night from Terry. Sounds like the team is doing well. Today is their last day of VBS at Monte Sion. He had said it will be a little sad to be done, but that it is the 6th day of VBS for them (and the 2nd week of VBS for them after the week of training here at the VBS at McKernan) and I think they will really miss the interaction with the kids - after all this is what they came for and have just loved being with them, but I know the team is probably tired too.

Yesterday the team was not able to go to the hospital (I don't exactly know why), so they were able to help with a couple of things at the church. They were able to be a cleaning crew and give the spaces some good elbow grease, and they were able to help with some of the construction of the classrooms at the church too laying bricks etc. Terry said that bricks cost 1.5 pecos per brick so 100 bricks is 150 pecos, so about $15 CDN dollars. 1 bag of cement is 100 pecos ($10 CDN) so the team will help purchase some bricks and cement, and do some real help in helping with the building project. I think it was really a fun change of pace for the team to help the church in this way - they really enjoyed it.

After VBS today the team will celebrate by going to the floating gardens later. This is a outdoor floating market that you get to by brightly painted boats complete with mariachi bands playing on the boats for you. It's a very fun and festive Mexican experience.

Tomorrow the team will wrap up VBS with a celebration service at the church. They will be singing 5 songs, hopefully 2 in Spanish. Terry said he's not sure if he's preaching again but after all it was only Friday :)

I want to put some lyrics in today from another Matthew West Song (called The Center). I was thinking about the team and what they are doing in Mexico and how they are putting themselves at the center of God's will for them...and that in doing that it's a huge commitment and also a spiritual battle.

This song talks about some of that surrender.

I want to know how it feels to be
Standing in the center of Your will for me
I want to know what surrender means
Keep me in the center of Your will for me

Lord, help me hold on
Help me be strong
I don't wanna move unless You move me

It is one of my prayers that as the team sees God in new ways, steps forward in new ways, that they begin to experience a deeper level of surrender to God's heart and plan for them. That they listen more carefully for His voice, and then follow where He is calling them. I was reading in the book of Acts again yesterday about the early church and how Paul, Barnabas, Silas, Timothy all had to listen carefully and follow in obedience to God's voice. It's a powerful part of our faith journey, and a powerful part of God doing His work in and through us. Incidentaly, Monte Sion calls themselves an Acts 29 church. If you page to the end of the book of Acts in your Bible you'll understand what that means :) ...continuing the call!

Prayer Requests:
  • Tiredness. My guess is that the team's energy is beginning to wane. It is at these moments that patience wanes...and emotions rise. Pray for kindness and understanding and teamwork to reign.
  • Today the gospel message will be presented at the VBS in Monte Sion, pray that the Holy Spirit will do it's work today!
  • For joy and safety in their time off later today at the Floating Gardens
  • For the service tomorrow at Monte Sion. All the families of the children from the community that come to VBS are invited to the service. Last time there were people everywhere! It's a real sense of celebration and outreach.

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