Saturday, July 19, 2008

Safe and Sound

All is well!

Terry was able to call me tonight! This was the first opportunity he had access to a phone.

I'll give you the details he gave me.

The flight arrived about 3 pm Central time, and and the first round of customs went fine, all of their bags arrived (yay!), but the 2nd round of customs there was some glitch due to how they packed their ministry supply bags (Terry didn't elaborate much) but they had to pay duty on the ministry supplies, 307 pecos or about $30. He said it was such a Godsend having Hayley there (one of our leaders) because she is fluent in Spanish and was able to translate through that whole process and they were able to square things away, however it was 5 pm before they were able to see the Beccera's ! (they must have been concerned waiting all that time). But it was a very happy reunion with this extended family in Mexico.

The Beccera's took them back to their home where they made supper for them of spaghetti, chicken and vegetables. Supper must have been good because Matt had 2 helpings :) I know all is well if Matt is eating. They've been reunited with many people that were special to them last trip, Yvonne (a woman from church who had hosted them for supper 2 years ago). And Amanda Luna is also there (she is the sister to Sarah Beccera (Mrs B), and wife of Juan Luna - who are NAB Missionaries in south TX).

The team went over the schedule for the week finding out that at the new church Xucalucan - that there is potential for well over 100 children! This is surprising to us. We expected 150 total between the two VBS schools and the team might have that at the first church!

Tomorrow they will have church at Monte Sion in Santa Ursula, go for lunch at Francisco's house for Tamales! (another friend from last trip) and then head to the church in Xucalucan (Terry said they say it whisky-lucan) to get ready for VBS on Monday.

He was calling me from a grocery store (might have been Costco), where he was with Sheleena and Isaac (Beccera) getting food for the weeks ahead and also lunch supplies for the children at VBS.

Terry said that everyone is GREAT, happy, very safe, so excited, and tiredness is setting in. They'll be ready for bed tonight. I am rejoicing in knowing that they are well and how they have already seen God's hand of provision. I'm excited to see how this beautiful family and church will welcome these new students and team members in.

Just a shout out to our dear friend Jim Bonin of Oasis Graphics here in Edmonton...Jim owns this graphic design company and graciously printed the VBS shirts for the whole group of kids at VBS at McKernan and was up all night on Thursday doing it. He also graciously printed 3 shirts for each of the our team members for Mexico ..and was up all night LAST NIGHT doing it... he got them to the team at 4:20 am...Jim you are crazy...and generous and we very much appreciate you and your servant heart.

Prayer Requests: Terry asked you to be praying for the VBS at Xucalucan...all the extra kids and prep needed for that.

He also said his knee is sore more from the plane ride than anything...but he's doing fine.

Praise God!

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