Thursday, July 24, 2008

All the News!

I can't tell you how great it was to hear news from the team. Terry was able to go to an internet cafe with Isaac this afternoon and spend some time chatting back and forth and we were even able to use it to actually *talk* to each other over the internet. A little like Skype works if you've ever heard of it. So hearing each others voices was great, especially for our kids to be able to talk to Daddy.

So I have lots of newsy items to give to you.

The team is back at the Monte Sion church. They will hold their second VBS here. This is Pastor Jaime's home church. This past Sunday Terry preached 2 x at both Monte Sion and at
Huixquilucan...good thing we had just preached at McKernan and he had the basic sermon outline on his laptop - because he only found out on Saturday night! :)

The time at Huixquilucan (that is the proper spelling now :) was amazing.... and you can find it on Google Earth if you type it in right! It's about 2 hours west of Santa Ursula). They held their VBS under tarps. This is a very small home church with only 4 families - so the children at the Bible school were entirely from the community. On Wednesday their last day, they presented the gospel message and shared what it means to have Jesus as your Saviour to the children. Amanda Luna (wife of missionary Juan Luna - sister to Mrs. Becerra) explained in Spanish what it meant to ask Jesus into your heart or to rededicate your heart to Jesus. She explained that they should only do this if they were ready and not because they thought someone wanted them to. Terry had told the team in advance if no children stand or if only one child stands - it doesn't matter - we know our role might have been seed planting....and it's the Holy Spirit's work - not our work.

But when Amanda asked those who wanted to receive Christ or rededicate their lives to stand, ALL 46 children present stood. It brings tears to my eyes as I write it. Our team were not only seed planters, but got to help reap the harvest too.

Please pray for these 46 children and their brand new lives in Christ...that they will grow deep in the Lord, that the seed will fall into really great *soil* for them to grow deep and strong in their faith...and pray for this small precious church in Huixquilucan. The children did not want the team to go!

The team was well loved at this church again they were able to stay in a home near the church. On two of the VBS days at lunch - one of the families (who's home the church first started in) invited the team to their *shop/store* for authentic Mexican food.

The team was able to finish showing the Jesus Film the second night, picked up their bags and then drove back 2 hours to Santa Ursula and stay at the Becerra's home.

Just to give you an idea of the hospitality of the Mexican people, the team is staying in the Becerra's home, giving up their beds for the team. There is a big mix of couches, air mattresses etc. there! Can you imagine adding 11 more people to your home?

At the Becerra's during a rainstorm Terry was able to show the DVD that he brought along that Shane Lawrence made of our last mission trip to Santa Ursula with the family. They loved it.
After the DVD was completed they took the team out for supper for Tacos. This is Terry's favourite food he had eaten in Mexico last time. Real authentic Mexican tacos are supposed to be amazing, and I know it was a special surprise for Terry.

So I know the team has been eating a lot of authentic Mexican food and loving it...and no one has been sick! (a great answer to prayer)...and Schneider family Terry said that DAVE has been eating!!!! :) but Terry did let him get some chicken fingers last night (ha!) and Karisa a burger :) But he said that Christie has been loving the spicy food!

Terry said the team has been doing so very well working together, they have bonded to the culture, and have already talked about how difficult it will be to leave. That Hayley has been such a blessing with her Spanish (thank you Lord for putting her on my heart to ask to go with the team). And that Jesse's Spanish is REALLY coming along well. They love being together and are working hard together.

Today began the VBS at Monte Sion, all the kids were excited to see them back. The VBS we did 2 years ago was called Fiesta, we left the material with the church last time, and the church has done it several times since. Terry was playing the old CD for the kids and they all joined in on the songs AND actions that they sing regularly!

Amanda Luna loves the new Avalanche Ranch material they are doing this year too. We will be leaving this material with them too as it is all written in Spanish.

Tonight they will show a movie for the church people, one for the kids (Hermie) and one for the adults. Terry had brought a projecter along to be able to do this.

Tomorrow after lunch the team will hopefully be going to the hospital that Sarah Becerra (Mrs.) works at. She is in charge of a whole floor of the hospital and got permission for the team to come and hopefully be able to do ministry there.

Prayer Requests:
  • Adjustments to the new church for the team
  • Ministry at the hospital tomorrow
  • The children and families at Huixquilucan
  • Continued great team work and great relationships between the team.
  • Effective ministry to the community at Santa Ursula. (VBS runs tomorrow and Saturday there)
  • Energy for our leaders. Good rest for the team with a very busy schedule. God's Spirit to do His work in each of their lives as they minister. I know He has specific things He wants them to learn and experience during this time.

Tomorrow I will post what the team's typical day is like for them and Terry *hoped* to be back with some words from the team and some pictures. He isn't really in control of his time so I know he'll do his best.

Please add your comments to ANY post on the comment button below I know the team will see it and it will be an encouragment to them.


Anonymous said...

Hi team! I think my heart skipped a beat when I read that all of the 46 children present at your VBS for the message of rededication stood to give their hearts and lives to God. There are few more moving moments in life than witnessing people choosing God above all else.

I've been reading and praying :). Take care and don't forget sunscreen.

Anonymous said...

Hola Amigos!

Commo esta?

It's great to see you guys having such a blast in Mexico!

I have been following the trip and checking the blog twice a day, but as someone who is not familiar with Facebooking/blogging etc I didn't even know we could leave comments.

I am excited that this is touching your lives as well as the lives of those you are working with.

Alex has been sending me the odd text message from his phone letting me know he is alive and well.

We will continue to pray for you, especially Terry - remember not to over do it with that leg of yours!

Hasta Luego!

Twobearz said...

Hola, Senors, Senora and Senoritas!! Did you receive my reply from your latest blog...if not this will be new, if you did, then it will seem like dejavu!!
We have been following the blogs and thinking about all of you constantly. It is amazing how many times you are brought to mind throughout the day (God's prompting for sure)! What a mountain top experience you are having! I know it is challenging too but the blessings are so rich! To think that your ministry had a hand in 46 children claiming their place in God's family!!! How do you say Yahoo in spanish!!!!
Loved the pictures! Dave...have you run out of clothes yet? I am not surprised Christie is feasting on all the spicy food...anyone else craving burgers and fries? Karisa, I saw your Dad today in Home Depot parking lot. It was great to share stories from the blogs. We went to Google Earth and viewed the Azteca Stadium! So cool to think that you are so close to this location!

I was reading in Ephesians 1:11 yesterday and thought of your team...
"Moreover, because of what Christ has done we have become gifts to God that he DELIGHTS in (emphasis mine!) for as part of God's sovereign plan we were chosen from the beginning to be his, and all things happen just as he decided long ago." You are in the right place at this time...each of you! And God delights in each of you!!

David and Evelyn

Anonymous said...

Guys! That was awesome news about all of the 46 kids standing up! I'm praising God for the amazing things that are going on down there :)

Stay safe guys, I'll be praying and thinking of you all.

Karla said...

Wow......What a great experience for all of you. After reading the latest blog I too was "misty".... 46 kids. What a great God and how richly he blesses us. Way to go guys. Keep up the great work and may God bless you and the people you will meet along your journey as well as keep you close as a team. Oh.....and glad to hear that there are burgers in Mexico for Karisa.....:) way to go sqeak. Love you.... Mom
to the rest of you.. I'm Karla
God Bless

Anonymous said...

Hi hi HIIIII!!!!!

Wow, it sounds like you have been having an amazing time so far! Our God is so good!

Just wanted you to know I have been praying for you lots. Remember to take each moment in; each smile, each laugh, each hug, each tear. Every day God can teach you something new so keep your eyes, ears and heart open to what He may be telling you! I can't wait to hear your stories and see for myself how God has uniquely touched each one of your hearts.

Love and prayers,

Naomi said...

Hi Guys,

We've been thinking of you and praying for you every day. I'm so glad to hear that God has been doing amazing things through you all.

We miss you like crazy, but we know you're having a fantastic time. Love you lots, Schnook!

Voss family